The Archaeologist

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12 Most Incredible Archaeological Artifacts Finds

The speaker in this section of a YouTube video discusses several incredible archaeological artifacts discovered around the world. These artifacts come from various time periods and travel regions, representing different cultures and civilizations.

One such artifact is a bronze sculpture of a head of a king from the Kingdom of Benin, found in Nigeria's Ido Museum of West African art. The piece was voluntarily returned by the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, after a review of its acquisition deemed it unethical. Another artifact is the Costco Deo, an ancient artifact discovered in 1976 by a fisherman in Galicia, Spain.

The Costco Deo is a beautifully decorated bowl made entirely out of a single piece of gold and decorated with six thin bands of concentric circles. Despite its unique style, the artifact does not fit the conventional design of known crowns or helmets, adding to its mystery and intrigue. Overall, the discovery of these artifacts has provided valuable insights into the past and has helped to preserve important artifacts for future generations.

The stories of incredible objects from the past always interest us, and we hope they interest you in this video.