The Archaeologist

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A Brief History Of How Homo Sapiens Survived The Last Ice-Age

The last Ice Age was during the palaeolithic and early Mesolithic periods of human history, beginning 100,000 years ago and ending 25,000 years ago, By the time it was over, homo sapiens were the only human species to have survived its brutal conditions.

First of all – what was the Ice Age? The Ice Age or Last Glacial Period was the time during which up to approximately 30% of the Earth’s surface was covered in ice and temperatures peaked around 7 degrees Celsius Sheets of ice and glaciers covered Antarctica, Canada, Northern USA and Northern Eurasia, some of which can still be seen today, thousands of years later. Sea levels fell across the world and rainfall was less than half of what it is today. During this period, multiple human species existed and lived across the world – Denisovans and homo erectus in Asia, Neanderthals in Western and Central Eurasia and the modern-day human, homo sapiens, in Africa. With ice blanketing the land and a lack of rainwater, vegetation suffered, becoming sparse and limited. Conditions were often bleak, and food was hard to find for early humans. Lets find out more in this video.