The Archaeologist

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A Day In The Life Of A Roman Slave

The Roman Empire ran on slaves. Slavery was such a necessary part of its ecosystem that a massive 1 in 5 citizens in the Roman Empire were enslaved.

It was so common in fact, that Emperor Nero was once told by his advisor Seneca that “a proposal was once made in the senate to distinguish slaves from free men by their dress,” but “it then became apparent how great would be the impending danger if our slaves should begin to count our number.”

In essence, if slaves were to realize how large in number they were, then they could easily rise up against their masters.

The Roman Empire is one of the greatest civilizations of all time. It gave us poetry, music, art and stories still told today. It produced new sciences, medicines and works of great minds like the ancient Greek philosophers: Socrates, Hippocrates, Plato, Aristotle… to mention a few.

When we think of Ancient Rome, we think of the decadence and luxury of a civilization living lavishly. What we don’t think of is the slavery that made this all possible.