The Archaeologist

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A historian unearthed evidence that could prove King Arthur's existence

Tintagel Castle's 13th-century remnants are atop rugged slopes where waves crash against precipitous cliffs. Cornwall, in southwest England, is the location of the fortress. Because King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table lived there, it's a fascinating middle Ages relic and a vital part of British culture found evidence that King Arthur existed. In 1136, Welshman Jeffrey of Monmouth detailed King Arthur's narrative. The story of knights and fair maidens was popular in Britain and medieval Europe. Arthur's bravery is still recounted. Up to 250,000 tourists visit Tintagel Castle, King Arthur's fortress, each year. This early British ruler is a mystery. He existed? Historians are puzzled by that. We'll begin by researching Arthur's past.

As we'll discover, King Arthur's history is a maze of half-truths, truths, and conflicting historians.