The Archaeologist

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Çakmaktepe: The Missing Link & Older than Göbekli Tepe

As new evidence continues to come to light, the bigger picture is gradually emerging and previous ideas are becoming outdated quickly. We are seeing relationships between the various sites, we are beginning to understand how the region was evolving and its now very apparent that to understand the origins and importance of both Göbekli Tepe or Karahan Tepe, we can’t study these sites in isolation.

There are dozens of sites of interest dating to this remote period of time, scattered throughout the Fertile Crescent, and they’re all part of the story.

And that leads us nicely into the subject of this video, the Tas Tepeler Site of Çakmaktepe - a direct pre-cursor to Göbekli Tepe, and it’s also located close by, with origins 3-400 years older and showing similar yet slightly more primitive building techniques, just as you would expect with a precursor settlement.