The Archaeologist

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Archeologists Scanned Underneath A Norwegian Farm They Saw A Hulking Shape Beneath

It's september 2019, and a team of archaeologists is using ground-penetrating radar technology to scan beneath the surface of a field in rural norway. An anomaly then catches their attention. Hidden beneath the subsoil is a massive circular formation that is 60 feet in diameter. Ancient and mysterious, it resembles a giant primordial lie. When archaeologists scanned underneath a Norwegian farm they saw hulking shapes beneath the soil. The structure was stumbled upon by a team from the Norwegian Institute for cultural heritage research NICU, headquartered in Oslo, Nico is an independent research center, which works all over the world in areas such as cultural heritage, climate change, conservation, Archeology, and Ethnology. Their team includes professionals from diverse academic fields. According to Nick, who's head of digital archaeology, Dr. Not posh, the anomaly is of great historical significance to Norway.