The Archaeologist

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Bizarre & Creepy Things The Greeks Did

The ancient Greeks lived in a more open society than we do today and indulged in various pleasures. They believed in things that seem crazy to us today, such as fighting sports like boxing, wrestling, and pantion, which became official Olympic sports in ancient Greece.

The fertility festival is a dedication to Dionysus, the god of debauchery, wine, madness, and physical measure, and involves hundreds of phallic objects. It is celebrated every year in Athens, and its roots go back millennia. Greek medicine began to take shape around 800 BC and became even more advanced as philosophers shaped Greece into a society of thinkers.

However, not all remedies made sense, and the father of medicine, Hippocrates, believed that everything in the body could be explained through four substances called humors. For 2,400 years, the theory of the four humors was the golden standard of medicine, and doctors tried to drain blood from patients to balance their humors.