The Archaeologist

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Enhanced Great Pyramid Footage from the Djedi Robot

In the years before 2011, scientists had developed the Djedi robot to navigate the narrow and steep shafts of the pyramid, using cutting edge robotics to look through the hole that was drilled by Pyramid Rover through Gantenbrink’s door in 2002.

One of key finds from Djedi was the back of the famous metal pins Gantenbrink’s door, which passed through the thin block of limestone and looped around.

The other discovery by Djedi was red ochre marks. We see a thick red line and what look to be symbols or writing of some kind next to it. The red line also looks to continue on beneath the block that is opposite the door.

The Image Analysis team has cut the footage from 8 hours to 20 minutes, so it only shows what was filmed through the hole in the door, and we have further cut this down to about 17 minutes, because the camera is often stationary for long periods of time.