The Archaeologist

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Kos Island, Greece: Revival of the original Hippocratic Oath for eminent Doctors from around the world

Doctors from the distant Anhui region of China, and representatives of the medical associations and universities of China from Anhui and Shanghai, as well as Italian doctors of Reproductive Medicine, were invited on a special ceremony at the Asclepeion of Kos to take the authentic Hippocratic Oath, an event organized by the International Health Tourism Center.

The revival of the Hippocratic Oath is one of the recent initiatives of the International Health Tourism Center, in cooperation with the Hippocratic Foundation that is located in Kos, within the framework of the Center's strategy for the dissemination of the ancient medical knowledge of Greece to today's and tomorrow's doctors of the international community, students from international medical universities, medical associations around the world and health tourism travelers.

The President of the International Health Tourism Center, President of Athens Medical Association and President of the Global Institute of Greek Doctors, and New Governor of Attica Mr. George Patoulis stressed that hosting the Chinese and Italian doctors in Kos by their participation in the Hippocratic Oath revival contributes to the realization of the vision of the Health Tourism Center "to make  Hippocrates the emblem and reference point to transfuse the values and deep medical knowledge of Greece to international science." 

The President of the International Health Tourism Center and President of Athens Medical Association thanked fellow Chinese doctors from the distant country, who came to Greece on the occasion of the 1st Fertility Festival, organized by the International Health Tourism Center, where they participated in a special session "Fertility from the East to West". Mr. Patoulis stressed that "the marriage of ancient and modern knowledge of the West and East, of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, with the collaboration of Chinese and Greek doctors of top scientific level might be among the most important challenges for medical science in the service of the patient and human health in the modern era." 

Chinese and Italian physicians expressed their enthusiasm for the official ceremony at the Asclepeion of Kos  .

"After what we lived, after what we felt, I will return to our University in Anhui and announce that from now on all our students will take the authentic Hippocrates Oath at Kos. And I am sure it will quickly be adopted by all the universities of China", said Peng Daiyin, President of China Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, and President of the China Education and Research Association of Chunese Medicine of High Education 

“The statement of the President of the University of Anhui shows that the International Health Tourism Center has managed in a very short time to bring great successes to our country," commented the Vice President of the Global Institute of Greek Doctors, an obstetrician and Reproductive Medicine specialist, Mr. Constantinos Pantos 

Mr. Filippo Maria Ubaldi, Clinical Director of the General Center of Reproductive Medicine of Italy, added that "Every doctor must once in his life come into this place to feel the energy, connect with the past, and understand that everything about Medicine really started here" 

The President of the International Health Tourism Center and President of the Global  Institute of Greek Doctors praised the importance of the Hippocratic Oath, which is nowadays, 2,500 years after its writing, adopted from multiple medical schools around the world, as he said and stressed that "the Oath of Hippocrates teaches more classically than any other medical oath the duty and the moral value of the physician's function, as international scholars of international medicine admit."