The Archaeologist

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Stone Hills Project: Karahan Tepe and Harbetsuvan Tepe, similar to Göbekli Tepe

What is known about human history has been reshaped with the discovery of Göbekli Tepe. Similar columns and obelisks have now been found in excavations at Karahan Tepe and Harbetsuvan Tepe in Şanlıurfa.

The discoveries made in Göbekli Tepe and the pieces unearthed during the excavation consist of findings that can reshape the entire history of humanity. This makes Göbekli Tepe an important location not only for Turkiye but also for the whole world.

However, recent discoveries in areas called Karahan Tepe and Harbetsuvan Tepe in Şanlıurfa have revealed that Göbekli Tepe is not alone.