The Archaeologist

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The Archaeologists Did NOT Expect To Find This!

Relics left behind by ancient humans are typically broken, buried, and hard to identify, but then there are some that can make us completely rethink our place in history.

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9. Burials For Vampires What might be one of the scariest things of all is seeing how people of history dealt with things that they were terrified of, including what they perceived as monsters amongst their own people. The fear of vampires is a great example of that. This kind of vampire that they feared were the ones that "rose from the dead" and would siphon people's blood, so various nations decided to combat to ensure that nothing "rose" after being put down.

8. Screaming Mummies In 1886, a famed archaeologist named Gaston Maspero was doing work in Egypt, and as his job as head of the Egyptian Antiquities Service, he was examining mummies and taking down notes on them. When he opened one particular one however, he found that the mummy was "screaming".

7. Skulls At the Bottom Of A Lake In Sweden, in 2009, some archeologists were excavating a dried-up lake bed. Near the bottom of the lake, they found a sealed structure. That alone raised eyebrows one would not expect to see such a sealed thing at the bottom of a lake. But what was more horrifying was that within that stone structure were a set of 11 skulls.

6. Headless Gladiators In York, England, a large set of skeletal remains were found buried. This may not seem like something that is too scary at first, but when the remains were fully uncovered, they found that every single person that was buried there was headless. What's more, they were buried with their heads near them. No doubt, this adds to the horror factor of the situation.

5. Body In A Tree Trunk In 2015, a body was found in the trunk and roots of a tree near Collooney in County Sligo, Ireland. The tree itself was 215 years old, and thus this was an ancient death, and the only reason the body was found was due to a strong wind blowing the tree over, and the body being found during the "clean-up" of the incident.

4. Hand Pit In Egypt, in the late city of Avaris, a group of archaeologists were digging an area around a former palace that had been buried 3600 years previously. When they did they eventually came upon four pits. Pits like this weren't uncommon in Egypt in the ancient times, and naturally curious, the archaeology team decided to see what was at the bottoms of them.

3. Sacred Ridge Massacre Within Colorado lies a place called Sacred Ridge, and once upon a time, it was the home of a Native American Tribe. This is one that used to live in Pit Houses , which were dug into the ground themselves and then a roof was put over it. A group of archaeologists were looking over the settlement one day when they realized something rather disturbing. For they had found all the usual aspects of the tribes' culture, but not proof of the citizens who lived there.

2. Juanita On Mount Ampato, located at the Argentina-Chile border, some scientists came across a young woman's body buried in the ice of the mountain. Specifically, it was found in a crater via a bundle that had fallen from a site at the summit of the mountain that belonged to the Incan people.

1. Jigsaw Bones In the Scottish Highlands in the early part of the 2000s, a dig was going on under a Bronze Age Settlement that existed 3000 years ago. As they dug deeper, they found two skeletons, a male and a female, and both of them were very well preserved despite the location they were in. However...upon further examination...something didn't feel right. To figure out what was going on, they took DNA from various bones on both bodies...and to their horror...they found out there weren't two bodies there. There were six.