The Archaeologist

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The Izhorians: Indigenous Peoples Of Russia Under The Threat Of Extinction

The Ingrian or Aoran people are indigenous to the area between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Logga, and their population has been gradually declining since the 20th century. Nikita Diov is a 25-year-old Aoran who has been working to revive the lost traditions and culture of his people.

He learned the Aoran language and crafts, and moved to the village of Kuli, the historic habitat of the Aoran. Nikita conducts guided tours at the Aoran regional museum and has become popular due to his knowledge of Aoran culture and language. The Aoran people have a strong connection to the forest and believe that each forest has a master and mistress who keep an eye on those who enter.

The Aoran people have a belligerent history and have always been ready to protect their land from invaders. The Aoran people were heavily impacted by the 17th century when their land was given to the Swedes, leading to their gradual decay.

Nikita's work is invaluable in preserving Aoran culture and language, which is listed as being under significant threat of extinction by UNESCO's Atlas of the World's Languages.