The Archaeologist

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The Knights Templar - Explained in 4 Minutes

The Knights Templar was a Catholic military order founded in 1119 in Jerusalem with the aim of protecting holy sites and pilgrims in Levant and Europe. The order was founded by Hugh of Payens and six other knights who eventually took monastic vows and followed strict discipline and rules.

In 1120, the Christian king of Jerusalem gave the order his palace, the Temple of Mount Jerusalem, to use as their headquarters. In 1129, the Knights Templar became an officially recognized organization under Pope Horus II. They were granted permission to wear their white cloaks with the red cross on a white background in 1145.

The Knights Templar grew in size and power as they received donations in the form of money, land, horses, and weapons. They purchased revenue-producing properties, increasing their power and impact.

In the following brief video we will cover some of the significant areas that the Knights Templars grew, and how their growing power and influence eventually led to their downfall. Watch the video to find out more!