The Archaeologist

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Top 5 Greatest Samurai Last Stands

The video discusses the concept of The Last Stand within the storied history of premodern Japan, and examines several examples of legendary stories of truly heroic Samurai who lived up to the loyalty and Valiant nature that they represent. The video ranks the top five greatest examples of Samurai last stands, discussing who fought, what they were fighting for, and the impact of their actions both in the immediate aftermath and many years to come. The rules followed for choosing these particular stories include: there needs to be a numerically superior enemy attacking a smaller force, at least one key recognizable leader on the defending side, and this key leading figure did not attempt to flee and instead has to have either died in combat or through seppuku.

The top five greatest examples of Samurai last stands are:

1. Minamoto Yorimasa at the first battle of Uji

2. The Taira Clan at Dan no Ura

3. The 47 Ronin at Ako

4. Kusunoki Masashige at Shijonawate

5. Saigo Takamori at Shiroyama

The video also provides historical context for each of these last stands and their significance in the larger context of Samurai history. Enjoy!