The Archaeologist

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12 Most Incredible Ancient Artifacts Finds

Ancient artifacts can provide valuable insights into history, even the smallest artifacts can offer significant information. The first discovery is a miniature Bible found in the archives of a library in Leeds, England, containing both the Old and New Testaments in full, despite being just 2 inches tall.

The second discovery is the revival of the ancient Italian tradition of selling wine and other goods through special hatches known as wine windows, which first became popular during the Italian plague of 1629 to 1631 and regained popularity during the pandemic.

The third discovery is a sword found by archaeologists in County Firmina, Northern Ireland, initially thought to be a leftover from a 16th-century battle, but later found to be a relic of the Bronze Age, dating back 2700 years.

The fourth artifact is an ancient Inca object known as a pcha, a foot plow used to mark the beginning of the annual agricultural cycle, and symbolically irrigate and inseminate the ground.

The fifth discovery is a twisted string found in Oetzi the Iceman's quiver, made of animal fibers, confirmed to be a bowstring, offering new insights into his hunting practices.