The Archaeologist

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5 Unexplained Ancient Coincidences

The enigmatic handbag motif appears in ancient carvings across vastly separated civilizations and bears a striking resemblance to modern handbags, yet its true meaning and purpose continue to elude us.

The motif is prevalent in ruins of ancient Mesopotamia, particularly among the Assyrian and Sumerian civilizations, and similar motifs have been found in the ancient alch civilization of meso America, the mai of New Zealand, and megalithic monuments across the globe.

Scholars and historians have given various theories to explain the widespread occurrence of this motif, including the representation of a container of sacred knowledge or a cosmic symbol signifying the transfer of divine wisdom from gods to humans, or the idea of an ancient shared global culture or the influence of a lost advanced civilization.

Megalithic monuments, such as Stonehenge in England and the carak stones in France, are some of the earliest large-scale constructions that bear striking resemblances to one another despite being located on different continents and having been created by different cultures. These ancient builders may have shared a set of underlying construction principles and cultural motivations, with an occurring theme of architectural alignment with celestial bodies.