The Archaeologist

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Cosmote Chronos: Innovative application brings the Acropolis to life

With the help of the COSMOTE CHRONOS application, the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports is now able to offer members of the general public and licensed tour guides a cutting-edge digital aid to enhance the actual experience of visiting the Acropolis as well as a scientifically sound educational resource for schools and the academic community.

The application brings the Parthenon, the temple of Bravronia Artemis, the Chalcotheque, which is no longer standing, as well as the Odeum of Herodes Atticus and the monuments of the southern slope of the Sacred Rock, as seen from the Acropolis museum, back to life before the viewers' eyes in scientifically verified virtual digital recreations.

Also, it displays very evocative items from the museum's third floor, which houses the sculptures from the Parthenon.

Whether they are on the Acropolis itself, somewhere in Greece, or abroad, users of the program can view the monuments in their original size and browse inside them. Through the use of augmented reality, virtual digital representations are correctly and dynamically projected onto the current image of the monuments as captured by the mobile device camera on the Holy Rock, where the experience really takes off.

The application's "Kleio" digital assistant and guide is an innovation. Since the mobile device can connect to a 5G network, which demands swift data transmission and almost instantaneous responses, Kleio can chat with the user in real time using cutting-edge artificial intelligence. She can already respond to more than 10,000 questions about the Acropolis in both Greek and English.