The Archaeologist

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New ancient archaeological discovery is rewriting human evolution in Africa

In 2015, a new species of early human, named Homo naledi, was discovered in the Rising Star Cave in South Africa. This discovery, led by paleoanthropologist Lee Berger, is significant because it suggests that Homo naledi lived alongside other early human species, such as Homo erectus and Homo habilis, and may have coexisted with our own species, Homo sapiens, for tens of thousands of years.

The discovery of Homo naledi is rewriting the story of human evolution in Africa, as it challenges the previously held belief that our early ancestors were the only hominids present on the continent at that time. It also raises questions about the cognitive abilities and behavior of this species, as the deliberate disposal of the dead in the cave where the remains were found suggests a level of complexity previously thought to be unique to Homo sapiens.

There has been new archaeology in Africa that has changed everything that we knew or predicted about the evolution of human beings. This discovery directly impacts our understanding of the origin of humans and their evolution to the modern period. The saga, which we thought was so simple, that the transition from one period in history to another happens gradually after a certain period of time, turns out to be a little bit more complicated, which has been proved by this mysterious and shocking discovery.

Today we will discuss the new ancient archaeological discovery that is rewriting the evolution of humans!