The Lost Knowledge of Thoth & The Emerald Tablets Decoding The Secrets of Mankind
The official story that we know about the Great Pyramid of Giza is that it was built in honor of the Egyptian pharaoh Cheops, who ruled from 2606-2583 BC.
However, according to data that you will not find on Wikipedia, the Egyptian pyramids were never used as tombs and were built long before the appearance of Cheops. In fact, Thoth himself was the builder and did so around 36,000 BC. For 16,000 earthly years, he was a priest and king of the Egyptians.
His name - Thoth - means - thought and time. He is the architect of our reality, creating our dual world that we know of - the world of zeros and ones. When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he built the Great Pyramid at the entrance to the great halls of Amenti, which are described in detail in the Emerald Tablets. As guards he appointed the highest of his people, who later became priests and designated him as the God of Wisdom. The tablets left in the great Pyramid are 10 in number. For everyone's convenience, they are divided into three parts. And the last two are so great and far-reaching in their importance that they are forbidden to be released freely into the world... They keep secrets that can only reach those who are serious about learning and seeking wisdom.
According to legends, the Halls of Amenti become the Underworld or Halls of the Gods, through which the soul passes after death to be tested. This is how it has beeen presented to the common people. But in fact there are portals inside through which those who have ended their lives on earth have teleported to other universes, planets and realities. And the entities or the "guardians" as they are called, including Anubis himself, helped them to pass more easily through the ankh or the symbol of eternal life.