This Is The Lost World Of Ankarana
At the far northern most tip of Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa, lies the lost world of Ankarana. French scientist Olivia Behra is one of the few outsiders to venture this far, he is a man with a mission, to find out about the unique animals and people that live in this remote place. Rising 300 metres above the surrounding plains are walls of solid rock that enclose forests that have evolved in isolation, cut off from the outside world. Living in its sunken forests are a greater density of lemurs than found anywhere else in Madagascar. Our story follows the lives of the One Eyed Queen and her troop of Crowned Lemurs as they tip toe on the razor sharp rocks, raise youngsters, fight for their territory and venture into the bowels of the earth to drink. Searching hundreds of kilometres beneath the rocks are caves inhabited by blind fish, bats and most mysterious of all, cave dwelling crocodiles. This is the story of a magical landscape and the close relationship between the crocodiles, lemurs and local Ankarana tribes people that live in the shadows of the massif.