The Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the ancient civilizations continues with a video on the Celts, as we discuss their ancient origins, culture, religion, economic and political structures, with a focus on the Hallstatt and La Tene civilizations.
Most SHOCKING Archaeological Discoveries EVER
From the Frozen Inca Girl Mummy in Argentina to a Dinosaur Like Claw found in New Zealand, here are the Most SHOCKING Archaeological Discoveries Ever.
Scientists Terrifying New Discovery Under Antarctica's Ice That Changes Everything!
If you want to investigate the mysteries surrounding Antarctica, you are at the correct spot. Watch the video below to find out!
Divers Exploring A 2,300 Year ancient Pyramid Have Found The Underwater Tomb Of A Powerful Pharaoh
The water looks so beautiful from afar, but it explodes the mysteries when we go deep into it! This is what today's discovery is about: a lead to a kingdom, a pyramid long lost in Sudan.
Today we will discuss the discovery of a 2300-year-old pyramid that was found underwater, which was the kingdom of a powerful pharaoh.
12 Most Mysterious Archaeological Finds Scientists Still Cant Explain
For all we know about ancient history, there’s still a lot of knowledge which we haven’t yet obtained, and may never obtain. A lot of our ancestors took their secrets to their graves, leaving us to guess and what they meant by their customs, rituals, and architectural works all these years later. Without better explanations being available, some of the items you’re about to see in this video are claimed to have paranormal or extraterrestrial origins. Some have been hidden under the ground, but others hide in plain sight!
Most Incredible Recent Archaeological Discoveries
In today’s video we are exploring the most recent archaeological discoveries. Watch the video for more!
12 Most Amazing Recent Archaeological Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain
One of the toughest things about being an archaeologist or scientist is accepting that there are things that you'll never know. Every discovery you're about to see in this video has been observed, tested, and considered by some of the brightest minds on the planet, and yet those bright minds have been forced to concede that they don't understand them completely, and they probably never will. They're archaeological finds that have kept their mysteries, and we're excited to show them to you!
1.7 Million Year-Old Bridge Discovered In India?
Is it possible that a 1.7 million year-old bridge has been discovered in India? Watch the video to find out!
12 Most Amazing Recent Archaeological Discoveries
It’s been a great few years in the field of archaeology - and we mean that quite literally. There are a lot of archaeologists digging up a lot of fields, and they’re finding great things in the process! Even though we’ve discovered so much about our ancestors during the past few centuries, there’s still so much more to find out. Here are some of the most amazing archaeological finds of recent times - finds that are just as awesome and incredible as anything that’s come before them.
Pythagoras Cup: Working and Principle
We will now discuss about Pythagoras Cup, a form of drinking cup that forces its user to drink only in moderation. It allows the user to fill the cup with wine or any other liquid up to a certain level. If they fill the cup only to that level, the drinker may enjoy a drink in peace. If they exhibit greed, the cup spills its entire contents out of the bottom.
Watch the video below to see exactly how it worked!
Evolution of Human face in 6 million years in 2 minutes
In today’s 2 minutes video we’re examining the evolution of human face in 6 million years. Watch the video to be amazed by our evolution!
12 Most Amazing Finds In The Desert
There's a lot more to see in the desert than just sun and sand. You might find the occasional oasis to quench your thirst if you're lucky, but if you're even more fortunate than that, you might come across an astonishing discovery in the middle of nowhere. From works of art to unexpected signs of life, some of the world's hottest and most inhospitable places play host to some of it's most incredible sights. Buckle up for this tour of surprising discoveries in the desert!
Archaeologists Discover Pyramids in Antarctica
Ancient Civilizations from all over the world have a lot in common, but nothing is more mystical and awe-inspiring and still prevalent among most of them as Pyramids. In China, India, Egypt, Sudan, Mexico, and Peru, man-made pyramids are present in almost every corner of the world.
They have become symbols of intelligence and prosperity of ancient civilizations among modern historians and their peculiar shapes have made many historians rethink what we know of our history.
So when satellite images of Antarctica showed three pyramids in the icy and uninhabited southernmost continent. Word started buzzing about a possibly lost ancient civilization from millions of years ago that possibly could have been a precursor to humans and inspiration for pyramids built thousands of years ago.
In the video below we will crunch the mystery of Pyramids found in Antarctica!
12 Most Mysterious Archaeological Artifacts Scientists Still Can't Explain
Have you ever walked down the street, spotted something unusual out of the corner of your eye, and wondered how it got there? All of us have had that feeling at some point, and sometimes it even happens to experts and scholars! Archaeologists are becoming used to that feeling, because they've come across some totally baffling discoveries over the years. We've put a collection of them together in this video so you can share in their sense of wonder.
Ever wonder what the inside of the Great Pyramid looks like? This FULL interior tour of The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt was filmed on December 11, 2020 with an iPhone 12 Pro. Let’s now watch the video that will guide us inside the most famous pyramid in the world!
The History of Europe [2600 BC - 2020 AD] Every year
The history of Europe covers the peoples inhabiting Europe from prehistory to the present. In the video we’ll be watching the map changing according to the periods listed below.
The period known as classical antiquity began with the emergence of the city-states of ancient Greece. Later, the Roman Empire came to dominate the entire Mediterranean basin.
The fall of the Roman Empire in AD 476 traditionally marks the start of the Middle Ages. Beginning in the 14th century a Renaissance of knowledge challenged traditional doctrines in science and theology. Simultaneously, the Protestant Reformation set up Protestant churches primarily in Germany, Scandinavia and England.
After 1800, the Industrial Revolution brought prosperity to Britain and Western Europe. The main powers set up colonies in most of the Americas and Africa, and parts of Asia.
In the 20th century, World War I and World War II resulted in massive numbers of deaths.
12 Most Incredible And Mysterious Finds Scientists Can't Explain
Scientists love a good mystery just as much as the rest of us, but they have a unique problem. When we don’t understand something, we turn to experts and scientists for an explanation. When they don’t have an explanation either, there’s nobody for them to turn to! The world is full of mysteries that scientists can’t explain, both ancient and modern, and we’ve packed some of the most puzzling examples together for you in this video.
12 Most Amazing Abandoned Ships In The World
There are two ways you can travel across the sea. You can either take a plane, or you can take a boat. Planes might get you there faster, but if you want to enjoy the scenic route, you jump aboard a ship! A well-made ship can stay afloat for fifty years or more, and when they're retired, they usually go to a breaker's yard to be taken apart with dignity and respect. Not all ships make it that far, though. Some of them end up being abandoned, each one of them with a story to tell!
10 Mysterious Discoveries Science Still Can't Explain
When we stumble upon something which cannot be understood through just our senses and experiences, we turn to science to shine the light and help us make sense of things. But there are mysterious events and things strewn across the world which even science is unable to answer, at least so far.
Here are 10 mysterious discoveries science still can’t explain. So, prepare yourself to step into a world which has no answers but just more questions.
UNBELIEVABLE Archaeological Discoveries No One Was Supposed To See
Africa is home to several archaeological discoveries and today that’s what we are going to explore.
From a boy skull discovered in South Africa to a Laas Gaal in Somalia, here’s the video about UNBELIEVABLE Archaeological Discoveries No One Was Supposed To See.