Most UNBELIEVABLE Archaeological Discoveries EVER

From the evidence of the 11,000-year-old parade site to a geometric miracle at Cleopatra’s tomb, here are some of the Most UNBELIEVABLE Recent Archaeological Discoveries EVER! Enjoy!

Ancient Handbag Symbol...It's Importance is Much BIGGER Than We Can Imagine

Several Sumerian carvings include depictions of handbag-like-shaped items. But this isn't just found in Mesopotamia, it is all over the world. In New Zealand Maori art, Dogon wall painting, American petroglyphs, the ancient ruins of Turkey and even remote islands like Sumba, the same symbol appears far and wide. There is no doubt....the world was once connected!

The Living Stones of Sacsayhuaman

At the beginning of July 2012 the Ministry of Culture of Peru invited a group of Russian geophysicists to research the issues dealing with the soil of the archaeological complex of Sacsayhuaman. In the course of completing this task there were collected interesting historic and archaeological data and a substantial amount of photo and video materials that were provided the basis for production of this movie. Watch the documentary below and enjoy!

Archaeologists Discover What's Inside the Temple of Abu Simbel

Well renowned in history as a great builder, Ancient Egypt’s art, culture, and architecture thrived under Ramses II’s reign. During his 66 years long rule, he rebuilt entire cities, constructed the hall of Karnak, and the great complex of Ramessseum. But nothing had been as awe-inspiring as the gigantic temples of Abu Simbel. Buried under centuries of sand, what is so unique about these temples?

Today we will be talking about the special power associated with the sacred entrance of the Temple of Abu Simbel, which not only has a history of rediscovery but also an episode of rescue.

Top 20 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever

We learnt much about our ancestors from these shocking discoveries. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most amazing and important archaeological discoveries throughout human history. Our countdown includes Göbekli Tepe, Ötzi, Sutton Hoo, Pompeii, The Rosetta Stone, and more!

The War That Ended the Ancient World

In the early seventh century, a generation-long war exhausted and virtually destroyed the Roman Empire. This video explores that conflict through the lens of an Armenian cathedral built to celebrate the Roman victory.

The Mystery Of Carthaginians In The Americas

Combing through the Amazon wilderness, archeologists made an amazing discovery: artifacts of ancient seafaring people from the Iberian Peninsula. They may have fled the carnage of the Roman Empire's war on Carthage, called by some historians the Roman holocaust. This documentary investigates the claim that South America was discovered and settled by Mediterranean peoples over 2,000 years ago.

Ancient treasure found in the river

Bog oak is a unique material that nature has spent thousands of years creating. Bog oak is extracted from the depths of rivers and swamps in those places where oak grew many thousands of years ago. The search for such trees compared with the search for treasure.

Craziest Things Found In The Jungle

Have you ever thought what lies hidden in the jungle? In the following video we will explore the craziest things ever found in the jungle! Enjoy!

5 Scariest Things They Didn't Teach You About Ancient Egypt!

Ancient Egypt can be a popular topic for kids in history. The main facts are that pyramids are triangular shaped, the Sphinx is built similar to the silhouette of a riddle and it's also known for being mentioned many times throughout Star Wars. However, there's more to ancient Egypt than any of us might know.

NEW Discovery UNLOCKED The Secrets Of Ancient Civilizations In Egypt

After Alexander the Great's conquest of Egypt in 332 BC, Greek became the language of the country's ruling class. The populace resented their Greek overlords because they couldn't communicate with them in their own language or understand their ancient writing system, hieroglyphs. By the time Ptolemy V took power in 205 BC, Egypt was in open rebellion. He commissioned the Rosetta stone as part of a political propaganda campaign in 196 BC to assert his legitimacy as pharaoh. For three thousand years of Egyptian history, the Rosetta Stone has been the key to unlocking the mysteries of the past.

During this historical period, the kingdom of Ptolemy was experiencing both an external conflict as well as an uprising within its own ranks. A council of priests came together to make the decree, and they utilized it as a way to show their devotion to the pharaoh and respect him. On the stele, it was written in hieroglyphics that belonged to the Ptolemaic era and Demotic Egyptian script, and the ancient Greek alphabet. Every temple in Egypt was supposed to have a set of stelae that were identical to one another.

12 Most Incredible Recent Archaeological Finds

The answer to the question "what have archaeologists found recently" is never boring. There's always something fascinating coming to light somewhere in the world, and the past few months and years have only proven that point. We've seen some absolutely astonishing discoveries made, and we're going to share them with you in this video!

HORRIFYING Secrets Revealed At The Great Egyptian Pyramids Of Giza

The pyramid of Giza, Certainly one of Egypt's most recognizable ghost towns. The living and the dead alike have reported seeing ghosts in various forms. Ghosts clad in early 20th-century clothing have reportedly been spotted by some. People claim to have observed a few Egyptian pharaohs chasing people away from the Pyramids they previously owned and neighbors said they've heard screams and voices telling them to leave their homes. Watch the video to find out more!

Most MYSTERIOUS Archaeological Discoveries EVER

What have archaeologists recently been up to? To be honest, there are a lot of things. From the Lost Golden City to the Oldest Drawing of a Ghost, here are the Most Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries Ever. Enjoy!