Finding Ancient Anomalies on Google Earth 2022

Whether you’re a trained archaeologist, an independent researcher or just somebody with a passing interest in history, Google Earth really is an incredible research tool. We can view any part of the world in superb detail and the satellite pictures that make up this interactive globe are updated year after year – sometimes twice a year – and as well as seeing the planet as it appears today, we can also scroll back through the archive, and compare different parts of the planet through time.

Watch this video to learn more about spotting ancient, historic and natural anomalies on Google Earth, and how to become a 'Globe Spotter' yourself!

How Dogs (Eventually) Became Our Best Friends

We’re still figuring out the details, but most scientists agree that it took thousands of years of interactions to develop our deep bond with dogs. When did they first become domesticated? Where did this happen? And what did the process look like, in terms of genetics and anatomy? Watch the video below!

The origins of Russia - Summary on a Map

Let's retrace on maps the first origins of Russia, from the creation of Novgorod during the IXth century, until the end of the Time of Troubles and the beginning of the Romanov dynasty. Enjoy!

Buddha's Family Tree

In today’s video we will go back in time and explore Buddha’s family tree. Watch the video for more!

12 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds Scientists Still Cannot Explain

Making an archaeological discovery is often the start of a much longer process. Finding something and understanding it are two different things, and it can often take months or even years before experts gain a full understanding of what it is they’ve found. Sometimes they never get to the bottom of the problem at all. In our eyes, that makes the discoveries all the more fascinating! Join us for a video tour of puzzling discoveries that have troubled the minds of the world’s greatest experts.

12 Most Incredible Ancient Finds

Most of the time, understanding an ancient artefact isn't as easy as looking at it. If it was, it would make for a very boring artefact! Most of the time, you have to put a little more effort into researching and studying it, and when you do, you might find a few surprises. There are plenty of surprising and fascinating ancient finds in this video!

The Sphinx's Strangest Secrets Have Been Revealed!

The Great Sphinx of Giza remains a mystery to the world, several thousand years after an ambitious Pharoah built it to rival his father in greatness. What most people know of this great monument today is that it has a human head sitting atop the body of a lion. What they don’t know is…well, quite frankly, there’s a lot most people don’t know about the Sphinx. This is why today, we are going to uncover the strangest secrets of the Sphinx. Hold on tight because the last secret will leave you doubting the very foundation of humanity. Let’s get into it!

Catastrophe and Cartography - Ice Age Floods Visualized

Numerous controversial topics are covered in this video. One of the most important points to keep in mind though, is that water and erosion are scale-invariant. In other words we can see the same shapes and patterns, but on radically different scales. The small current ripples that you see along the creek can be found at West Bar Ripples in Washington, but these are orders-of-magnitude larger!

What They Found around the World Could Change History!

Many of us think that the discoveries that could change human history are all behind us already. But far from it... the subsequent discoveries have the potential to have a lasting impact on our knowledge and reorient our view of human history.

Where did Russia come from?

Russia is the biggest country in the world, spanning one-eighth of the Earth’s landmass. But where did it all begin? Alex Gendler explores the epic history of the Kievan Rus, where characters ranging from Viking raiders and Western crusaders to Byzantine missionaries and Mongol hordes all played a role to create a unique civilization standing at the crossroads of culture and geography.

The Lost City At Jinsha: A Kingdom Buried Under A Chinese Suburb

Archaeologist Agnes Hsu-Tang, director of New York-based China Institute, goes on a quest to answer one of ancient China’s most beguiling mysteries. An ancient kingdom based in Sichuan has been uncovered. Found at Jinsha - an excavation site in a Chengdu suburb - are a gold mask, bronze masks, jade daggers, and tons of ivories.

Who were these people? What did they believe in? And why did they bury such exquisite objects along with their dead? Watch the video to find out!

15 Sea Monsters That Are Scarier Than Megalodon

The fierce Megalodon is a blockbusting creature that terrorized the oceans back before humans walked the earth. Even its name strikes terror from the clear image of how huge it was! But today, we’re going to dive even deeper into the realm of unsettling aquatic predators. From the largest shark ever known to the laziest! Today we’re pursuing 15 Sea Monsters That Are Scarier Than Megalodon!