In this video we will explore the most incredible ancient discoveries. Watch the video and enjoy!
What did British Researchers find INSIDE and UNDER the Egyptian Pyramids?
In this video, you'll find out what’s inside and under the Egyptian pyramids, what unusual things were recently discovered there, where are priceless artifacts and the pharaoh’s body, and so much more!
What do the Egyptian pyramids hide inside and under them?
Illustration by Dimosthenis Vasiloudis
If we can trust the opinion of many scholars who want the Egyptian ethnonym "Haunebu" (= the people who live north behind the islands and coasts) to refer to the inhabitants of the Aegean at that time, then this specific relief is the oldest protohistoric portrait of a Greek woman known to us so far!
This Egyptian Relief is the earliest portrait of a Greek woman!
Breaking Ground: Discovering the Earliest Portrait of a Greek Woman in Egyptian Relief Art
For centuries, historians and archaeologists have tirelessly worked to unravel the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Egyptian art, in particular, serves as an invaluable source of historical knowledge, providing insight into the society, culture, and everyday life of one of the world's most ancient and influential civilizations. One recent discovery has astounded the historical community: the earliest known portrait of a Greek woman beautifully etched into an Egyptian relief.
It is Egyptian and dates back to 1302 BC, about 100 years before the Trojan War! It is located on the Second Pylon of Pharaoh Horemheb at Karnak, the largest place of worship in ancient Egypt. The relief depicts a woman of obvious Greek origin. Her distinct Greek attire and the characteristic hairstyle clearly differentiate her from her Egyptian contemporaries, which makes this find particularly exciting.
In Horemheb's colossal relief group of prisoners of war, there is also a gang of captives (men and women) with their race-name "Haunebu" inscribed against them.
The heads of the men are distorted, but the profile of a woman is yet perfect, and this profile is the earliest portrait of a Greek woman in the world. Her eye is defaced, but the delicate outline of the features is yet unscathed. She is depicted with a thin long ringlet (probably one on each side), a characteristic feature of the female hair in archaic Greek art. Therefore, it can be assumed that this hairstyle was a "national fashion" quite earlier.
Statue showing the King Mentuhotep III as Osiris with a tall crown, long beard and an full-length cloak.
The ethnonym "Haunebu", as a general term for the inhabitants of the Aegean area, is mentioned for the first time as early as the time of Pharaoh Sankhara (Mentuhotep III), of the 11th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (2010-1998 BC), as it appears on a carved slab of his time.
After this mention, we hear no more of early Greeks in Egypt until they reappear as Danai or Danaeans (Tanaju), about half a millennium later, in the reign of Thutmose III (1479-1425 BC). This pharaoh was the equivalent of "Alexander the Great" of ancient Egyptian history. He conquered most of the then known world, building Egypt's largest empire ever.
He carved the names of hundreds of defeated nations and conquered cities on the walls of Karnak and the Great Temple of Ammun. In these famous inscriptions, also known as the "Annals of Thutmose III", we find the Greeks mentioned for the second time in Egyptian history, as a diplomatic meeting between the Mycenaean delegation and the pharaoh in the area of Syria is recorded.
The ethnonym "Haunebu" nevertheless survived until the time of the Ptolemies, when the Greeks ruled Egypt. The native Egyptian scribes of the comparative Hellenistic Era used it to denote the ruling race (the Rosetta Stone), just as their distant ancestors had used it to denote "Greek barbarians," people of the sea who had been captured in battle 15 whole centuries ago!
The Hall of Annals of Thutmosis III, Temple of Karnak in Thebes. (mid 15th c. B.C.) Thutmosis (Menkheperre) offers foreign gifts to Amun.
This remarkable find not only represents the earliest known portrait of a Greek woman in Egyptian art but also stimulates a reevaluation of our understanding of ancient societal interactions, cultural exchanges, and the roles of Greek women in Ptolemaic Egypt. It serves as an invaluable link to the past, allowing us a peek into the nuanced relationships between one of the ancient world's most formidable powers and its influential Greek contemporaries.
Like many great historical discoveries, this one prompts as many questions as it answers, reminding us of the rich and layered tapestry that is human history. As scholars continue to study this fascinating artifact, it is certain that we will gain even more insight into the complex dynamics of cultural exchange in the ancient world, the status of Greek women in foreign societies, and the extent of their participation in public and religious life.
In conclusion, the Egyptian relief portraying the earliest Greek woman is not only an artistic marvel but also a testament to the complexities of ancient societies and the rich tapestry of cultural exchange that has shaped human history. As researchers continue to unveil the mysteries etched into this invaluable piece of art, we look forward to the new chapters this will open in our understanding of our shared past.
Most CREEPY Archaeological Discoveries EVER
Some discoveries present unusual depictions of past lives and deaths. From decapitated gladiators and scarred skeletons to witch hunt remnants and a mummified lung, we'll show you some of the most CREEPY Archaeological Discoveries EVER in this video, so watch this video till end!
12 strangest mysteries of Egyptian pyramids
The pyramids that stand on the Giza plateau in Egypt are the world's best-known landmarks but are also some of the world's least well-understood monuments. You'd be surprised by how much you don't know about the pyramids, but we're going to show you in this video - and maybe we'll throw in a few bonus facts about wider ancient Egypt while we're at it!
Archaeologists In Egypt Uncovered A 4400 Year Old Tomb Complete With Perfectly Preserved Paintings
When you think we have learned everything there is to know about the ancient Egyptians, a new archaeological discovery comes along. It sheds new light on the influential culture. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities has just announced that they have found the tomb of an ancient priestess.
Now we are going to talk about uncovering a buried tomb with artwork that has been completely preserved and dates back 4400 years.
How is it even possible? Let’s get started!
Is Everyone a Descendant of Royalty?
Could everyone really be a descendant of royalty? That’s exactly what we will be discussing in today’s video. Enjoy!
15 Spartan Life Rules (How To Be Mentally Strong)
The Spartans were a warrior culture hell-bent on producing the toughest citizens to have ever lived. They are notorious for their distaste of weakness and greatly shamed anyone who displayed signs of it. While researching this ancient city-state the same lessons seemed to emerge from their ruthless history and thus this video was born.
I created these life rules to represent qualities the Spartans valued. I wanted to make something that would help us to share in their grit, a practical guide to bolster our mental strength. The Spartans thrived during adversity due to their disciplined lifestyles, they faced life with courage and made honour their primary focus.
Giant Hidden City Found by Archaeologists Under Grand Canyon [Mystery]
The Grand Canyon is a river valley in the Colorado Plateau and is famous for its visually overwhelming size as well as intricate & colorful landscape. In addition, it is significant geologically because of the thick sequence of ancient rocks well preserved and exposed in the canyon walls. These rock layers preserve much of the continent's early geologic history.
Archaeologists Pulled A Sword From Beneath The Waves Of A Lake Where It Had Lain For 1000 Years
Deep beneath the surface of Poland’s Lake Lednica, a diver runs their fingers over an old sword, unaware at this stage of the true significance of their find. The archaeologist retrieves the ancient weapon, only to later learn that they are almost certainly the first person to touch it for many centuries. In fact, their discovery will prove vital as historians uncover the secrets of a medieval settlement.
The Stone Battle Axe of Neolithic Europe
The stone battle-axe was the most important weapon of Early Bronze Age Europe.
These weapons were used for a thousand years by peoples from the Baltic to the Atlantic. But where and when were they invented, who were the people who wielded them, and how were they used?
And are they the real Mjölnir, the weapon wielded by the Norse thunder god, Thor? Watch the video for more!
Ancient Creatures That Are Still Alive
In the video below we will be talking about ancient creatures that are still alive. Watch for more and enjoy!
Every Country England Has Invaded: Visualized
England is a country known for its invasions and colonies. In the video below we will go through every country that England has invaded, so let’s get right into it!
The Pre-Historic Secrets Frozen for Thousands Of Years
This documentary follows an operation in Northern Canada that is dedicated to piecing together indigenous history. Due to global warming, melting ice on and around mountains is revealing more and more artefacts that have been perfectly preserved for over 1000 years. These amazing finds are. helping to document and preserve indigenous culture in the region, a culture which is often ignored.
History’s Most Wanted Artifact Has Just Been Found!
Sometimes the work of archaeologists is just hair-pulling: although many historical sources tell us about the existence of unique objects, to this day there is no trace of the wondrous artifacts! Watch the video and enjoy!
Origins of Hanukkah - Maccabean Anti-Hellenic Rebellion (Documentary)
In the documentary below we will analyze the Maccabean Revolt - the anti-Hellenic and anti-Seleucid rebellion in Judea. As the Basileus of Seleucid Empire Antiochus the Great and his descendants attempted to Hellenize the Jews, a man called Judas Maccabeus and his relatives rose in rebellion waging a bloody guerilla war against the phalanx. This video covers all the major battles of the revolt and tells the origin story of Jewish Hanukkah.
Incredible Ancient Places Straight Out Of A Fairy Tale
In the following video we will go through some incredible ancient places straight out of a fairytale. Enjoy!
Scientists Just Found Zeus's Ancient God Temple That Has Been Sealed For Thousands Of Years
Archaeological discoveries are fascinating, and each addition to our understanding of the ancient past leaves us wanting more. For example, archaeologists recently discovered Zeus' God temple, which had been undiscovered for thousands of years.
What is the significance of this Zeus temple? Let’s find out! Today we will discuss the discovery of Zeus’ ancient god temple that has been sealed for 1000s of years.
The crystal skulls of Indiana Jones: Phenomena, myth or reality?
The crystal skulls of Indiana Jones are a special case in the category of exotic objects with supposed origins in the ancient civilizations of Central America. Some consider them archaeological finds from the hands of the Aztecs or Mayans, while others attribute them to extraterrestrial origin despite the fact that scientists have already decided
They suddenly appear at an auction, as a bequest in a will, even as an anonymous donation. They are always accompanied by legends and myths, mostly macabre, but stimulating the human imagination and leading it to occult paths. They have no convincing authenticity and do not stand up to serious scrutiny. But that has little effect on those who wish to succumb to their mysterious charms. And if their myth had not been retracted by Spielberg in favor of the new adventure of Indiana Jones, they would certainly not be talked about today. "Crystal skulls" are a special case in the category of exotic objects believed to have originated in the ancient civilizations of Central America. Some insist on considering them as archaeological finds of the Aztecs or Maya, while others, more daring, attribute to them an extraterrestrial origin, although scientists have already decided with certainty on their falsification. A mystery that will be kept alive as long as people prefer the fairy tale to the truth.
The package
16 years ago, a heavy package from an anonymous sender arrived at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington and astonished the institution's scientists. For the contents of the package was a spectacular object made of white crystal, which represented a human head and was much larger than normal. However, the parcel was accompanied by a letter, but unsigned: "This Aztec crystal skull, believed to be part of the collection of Porfirio Diaz, was acquired in Mexico in 1960. I offer it to the Smithsonian Museum," it said. Who; Why; When;
Smithsonian Museum anthropologist Jane MacLaren Walsh, who specializes in Mexican archaeology, has made it her mission to answer these questions, working with museums and scholars from around the world to solve the mystery. It is perhaps no coincidence that the results of the research have now been announced to coincide with the release of the film. But are they not even more interesting that way?
Crystal skulls first appeared as pre-Columbian art in the 19th century. However, not a single one of them comes from a documented excavation, and their style has little to do with the original pre-Columbian depictions of skulls, which are among the most important motifs in Central American iconography.
Shortly before the French invasion of Mexico by Louis Napoleon's army in 1863, which installed Maximilian Von Habsburg of Austria as emperor, the first Mexican crystal skulls appeared on the market. The largest of them was 1.5 inches tall, but the one the British Museum acquired from banker Henry Christie around the same time was 2.5 inches tall. A little later, in 1867, a French antique dealer named Essen Bobin exhibited his collection at Paris and presented two crystal skulls together.
The antique dealer
Essen Boban is the most mysterious figure in the history of crystal skulls, as thorough research has revealed. He posed as an official archaeologist of Maximilian's French scientific mission in Mexico, lived there since his youth and started collecting ancient artifacts very early, which he later sold through his family business.
Upon his return to Paris in 1870, he opened an antique shop and sold much of his Mexican archaeological collection to Alfonso Pinard, a French explorer and ethnographer. He in turn donated the collection, which included three crystal skulls, to the Trocadero, the forerunner of the Musée de l'Homme. For Boban had in the meantime acquired in Paris a third crystal skull, which was about 4 inches high and had a large hole. It is now in the Musée du Quai Branly.
At the same time, other crystal skulls appeared in Mexico, and in 1886 the Smithsonian Museum bought one that much later turned out to be a fake and mysteriously disappeared in 1973. Later, a "second generation" skull turned up in Boban's Paris shop, which was normal-sized and had no hole. However, when he tried to sell it to the National Museum of Mexico, it was rejected as a fake made of plain glass.
The company
Boban was not deterred by such failures, however, from 1886 he moved his business to New York, where he auctioned antiques. At one of these auctions, Tiffany & Co. acquired the crystal skull for $950 and sold it to the British Museum a decade later. And we should not hastily accuse him of being a fraud, because he was certainly not the only one.
A "third generation" of skulls followed shortly before 1934, when London art dealer Sidney Burney purchased what appeared to be a replica of the skull owned by the British Museum. In 1943, this skull was sold by Sotheby's of London to Frederick Arthur (Mike) Mitchell-Hitzes, a British explorer who, among other things, had excavated a Maya temple in British Honduras in 1924. It was inherited by his daughter Anna Mitchell-Hitzes - who died last year at the age of 100 - who claimed the skull had supernatural healing powers, it emitted blue light from its eyes and it destroyed computer hard drives! What was called the "Skull of Perfection" or the "Skull of Love" or simply the... Skull of Anna Mitchell-Hitzes is now claimed by her heirs.
The Mystery
"The skull that arrived at the Smithsonian represents a different generation and I believe it was made in Mexico shortly before it was sold. Today it is in the Smithsonian National Collections, catalog number 409954, and right now it is kept in a locked cabinet in my office," says anthropologist Jane MacLaren Walsh, who started the research. But even today, various collectors bring her crystal skulls with alleged origins in Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil and even Tibet. Some of them are made of simple glass and others of resin.
"The truth behind the construction of the skulls may have been laid to rest by Boban, this master dealer of many hundreds of pre-Columbian works, including eventually all five different crystal skulls now buried in museums," she says. "Boban managed to baffle many people over many years and leave a mystery that endures a century after his death," she concludes.
Conspiracy Theories
In the age of the Internet, crystal skull enthusiasts have developed their own discussion community, which includes some of the most incredible myths about the origin of these objects. Others claim that they come from a distant galaxy and were brought to Earth by aliens. Others believe that they were located on a lost continent (Atlantis is suspected). Some more... grounded people believe they are 100,000 years old. And of course, they all believe they have supernatural powers.
A more complex myth speaks of 12 skulls stored in a great Olmec pyramid, from where they were passed on to the Maya and the Aztecs and then were scattered everywhere. Of course, all skulls could eat and speak, and when brought together, received special powers. So be careful, because when they are lined up on the last day of the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012, the earth will stop moving!
According to these - and many others - you can understand the fears of Indiana Jones, who has to get his hands on a crystal skull from Peru. In this case, however, it is not the aliens who are hunting him, but Russian agents (at the time of the Cold War). The Russian Communist Party was not pleased to be playing the villain once again. "The film shows Russians running up and down America looking for crystal skulls," protested a party representative. And if you look at it realistically, of course, they are right. Except that this is cinema and fairy tales at their best.
But if you characterize the Russians as exaggerated, what can you say about the Americans who declared Harrison Ford - Indiana Jones a member of the Archaeological Institute of America? After all, if a fake scientist "sells" so well, why not fake crystal skulls?
Myth under collapse
Fake? Obviously. But why do they remain in the foreground and why do some museums continue to exhibit them, although their lack of an archaeological context is undeniable, while on the contrary their aesthetic and technical problems cannot be hidden? Thus, the British Museum can recognise that they are forgeries, but not, for example, the National Museum of Mexico, which considers them genuine Mayan and Aztec works.
The fact is that crystal skulls do not reflect the art of the ancient civilizations of Central America. In fact, they were almost always made of basalt, sometimes covered with stucco, and probably all painted. They were usually attached to walls or altars and sometimes depicted some deities in relief.
As for the carving, they were coarser than the crystal skulls, but had more naturalistic elements, especially in the representation of the teeth. They were made of limestone, but also of gold. The Maya carved them in profile, representing the days of their calendar.
So the French and other Europeans may have thought they were buying great pre-Columbian artwork by associating them with Aztec human sacrifices, but the Aztecs did not hang crystal skulls around their necks! Instead, they displayed the skulls of sacrificed humans that had previously been pierced horizontally through the temporal region rather than vertically.
In addition, special examination of the skulls at the British Museum and the Smithsonian Museum by scientists Jane MacLaren Walsh, Margaret Sachs, and Ian Freestone has shown that they were probably made with a tool using a rotating disk of copper or similar metal. Did the Aztecs and Maya have a spinning wheel? No, say the scientists, especially since analyzes of original works have shown that they were made with wooden and stone tools.
The Kore of Thera (left) and the Lady of Auxerre (right)
What does the Daedalic Kore of Thera have to do with the Lady of Auxerre in the Louvre?
A very interesting observation is made by the curator of the Greek National Gallery, Marilena Kassimati, about the “Kore of Thera”, which was found almost intact in the cemetery of the ancient city of Thera and is on display for the first time in the new Museum of Thera.
The Kore of Thera, a statue of the 7th century BC, came to light, in November 2000, during a rescue excavation in the cemetery of the ancient city of Thera, in southeastern Sellada, by Theraean archaeologist Charalambos Sigala.
She associates her with the "Lady of Auxerre" which has been on display at the Louvre since 1907 - indeed others associate her with the Kore of Eleutherna. It is no coincidence that the creator of the Eleftherna Museum, Dimitris Stampolidis, believes that the Dame d'Auxerre is from Eleftherna.
Kore of Eleutherna
Ms. Kassimati writes:
The resemblance of the "Daughter of Thera" (a work of early archaic sculpture, almost intact, of supernatural size, which came to light in November 2000 during excavations in the cemetery of the ancient city of Thera) with the "Lady of Auxerre", from 1907 in the Louvre (75 cm high), is obvious, at least for me.
It owes its conventional name to the local museum of Auxerre (Musée Saint-Germain), while to this day nobody knows exactly how it got there, broken into three parts. Its value was immediately recognised in the Louvre, it was welded and published by a French archaeologist that same year.
These and other statues represent a stylistic phase in early Archaic art referred to as "Daedalic", also commonly referred to as the Orientalist period. This type was particularly widespread in Crete and now we have a similar project in Thera.
The Lady of Auxerre (Dame d'Auxerre): The Daedalistic female statue from Crete that came back to life through the film footage of the movie "TROY"
The Lady of Auxerre graced the cinematic palaces in Wolfgang Petersen's film Troy, but unfortunately for only a few seconds. Arguably, the placement of a statue referring to the archaic period in a prehistoric Aegean palace is anachronistic, as are many other architectural details of the film's sets. Be that as it may, this unique find was "revived" by Hollywood and traveled around the world through film footage, giving an opportunity to lovers of ancient art to familiarize themselves with its symbolism and messages.