Imagine how boring the world would be if you could understand everything just by looking at it. There would be nothing to research and no fascinating facts to uncover! Human beings love a good mystery, and on this channel, we love archaeological mysteries perhaps more than any other. Fortunately, we're never short of them. There are hundreds of enigmatic archaeological discoveries to be found all over the world, so here's an incredible selection of archaeological finds that have been located, photographed and measured, but not totally understood.
Scientists Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery!
In the video below we will be exploring a cave which was sealed for millions of years that was recently opened by scientists. Enjoy!
Mysterious & Bizarre Discoveries
In this video we will go through some mysterious and bizarre discoveries. Watch the video and enjoy!
The Oldest Civilization in the World! These 15 Mysterious Things about the Sumerians Will Baffle You
The Sumerians are not only among the most fascinating, but also among the most enigmatic peoples that our earth has ever seen. Appearing practically out of nowhere thousands of years ago, the first high culture in history laid the foundations for our modern world even then. It is well known that the Sumerians invented cuneiform writing, bureaucracy and artificial irrigation - but did you know that the inhabitants of southern Mesopotamia also had a weakness for beer and vampires? Do you want to learn more amazing things about the mysterious high culture? No problem: Here are some incredible facts about the Sumerians that you definitely didn't know!
Researchers Revealed a Terrifying Discovery That No One Was Supposed to See
Day by day, we discover something new about our past and our future! In this video, we’ll take a look at some of the most amazing discoveries that you might have missed.
From nanoplastics found in human blood to bronze statues, here are the 15 most incredible recent discoveries!
Government Hides Egyptian Discovery That Scares Scientists!
Scientists, historians, and scholars have been interested in ancient Egypt for centuries. Ancient pyramids and mysterious tombs are clear signs of a very advanced civilization that was way ahead of its time and still scares scholars today.
We have compiled 12 terrifying scientific findings made in Egypt for you. So, watch this video till the end.
12 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds
There’s a certain level of fascination that comes with every archaeological discovery, but the very best discoveries should give you a sense of wonder. We hope to bring that sense of wonder to you in this video. It’s packed full of incredible archaeological finds from all over the world, offering us new insights into people and places that existed long before any of us were born!
Ancient Greece: A Complete Overview
This video goes through the entirety of the history of Ancient Greece.
It begins with the Bronze Age and the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, going through the Greek Dark Ages, to Greece's Archaic Period, with the rise of Athens and Sparta and colonization of the Mediterranean. After the Greco-Persian Wars, we delve into the Classical Period and its culture. After the Peloponnesian Wars, we go into the Rise of Macedon and Alexander the Great's conquests, and finally ending with the Hellenistic Kingdoms.
Scientists Exploring The Amazon Jungle Just Found A Mysterious Hidden Temple With This Inside
In this video we will explore a mysterious hidden temple found by scientists within the Amazon jungle. Enjoy!
The Tyrannical Emperors That Defined Ancient Rome | Tony Robinson's Romans Full Series | Odyssey
Odyssey is your journey into the world of Ancient History; from the dawn of Mesopotamia to the fall of Rome. We'll be bringing you only the best documentaries that journey into the mysteries and ruins of worlds long lost.
What was the Earth like at the time of Pangea?
Six continents separated by vast expanses of water - this is the familiar image of our planet that we have all shared since childhood. But the Earth hasn't always looked like this. Over the past 4.6 billion years, our planet has gone through many geological eras. During some of these eras, almost the entire surface was covered with ice, while in other periods, on the contrary, the polar caps melted completely.
In the distant past, the continents were not arranged as they are today. Land blocks moved relative to each other, which led to movement, collision of continents and the emergence of supercontinents that united almost all the landmasses.
The word "Pangea" comes from the Greek words Pan (meaning "all") and Gaia (meaning "earth"), which means "all the lands". This name perfectly refers to the supercontinent, as Pangea was once one land, since all the lands were then gathered in one place.
12 Reasons Why Egyptian Pyramids Scare Scientists
Question: How much do we know about the ancient pyramids of Egypt? Answer: Very little. That should concern us. They're the most famous ancient objects in the world and the last of the Seven Wonders of the World still in existence, but our knowledge of them is sorely lacking. That lack of knowledge disturbs scientists, and in this video, we're going to tell you why!
Archaeologists Discover Secrets of Egypt's Forgotten Pharaoh
Out of the cradle of Egyptian civilization came men and women whom thousands worshipped as Gods on Earth. They led their people through an era that brought human creativity, mysticism, and intellect together to form one of the greatest cultures the world has ever seen. And the New Kingdom Era was a period when the most powerful and famous pharaohs reigned.
However, out of all the pharaohs during this time, there was one who spearheaded a cultural, religious, and artistic revolution that rattled the country, throwing thousands of years of tradition out the window and imposing a new world order. Was his revolution driven by necessity, greed, or divine inspiration?
Today we will see who was the Pharaoh whose reign created a significant time frame in Egyptian history and has received so much attention from scholars and the modern public.
RAPTURE SIGN Ceremony For The THIRD TEMPLE Has Just Happened
Those who take the Bible at its word and see in it a literal fulfillment of the biblical promises for the Jewish people and the Land of Israel see the rebuilding of the Temple as a crucial aspect of the future. But what exactly is this temple? What does this have to do with the rapture?
Christians have been waiting for Jesus to return and lead them to heaven for ages. There are, however, a lot of signs to get through first. The construction of a third temple is one of them.
Why Were Medieval Blacksmiths Considered Magical?
The team delve deeper into the secrets of the skilled communities who built medieval castles. The stonemasons working on the castle walls are dependent on blacksmiths, whose metalwork was magical to the medieval mind-set.
How Inbred were the Habsburgs? Part 1: The Spanish Line
Royals throughout history are notorious for inbreeding. But the European royal family by far infamously incestuous were the Habsburgs (Hapsburgs).
The royal house ruled Spain from 1506 to 1700 and held the Holy Roman Empire from 1452 until 1806. These two branches of the family vollied brides back and forth like ping pong balls. Cousins married cousins and uncles married nieces. All in the name of keeping wealth and power in the family and keeping their blood blue. They were oblivious to the havoc all this intermarrying was playing on their genetics. The tragic results were numerous family members with mental illness, intellectual disability, vulnerability to diseases, and a famously unusual continence which came to be known as the Hapsburg Jaw.
Just how inbred where the Habsburgs? Short answer, very. Long answer, well, lets get into it!
HIDDEN Second Egyptian SPHINX Discovered By Archaeologists!
Buried for most of its life in the desert sand, an air of mystery has always surrounded the Great Sphinx. Many questions about the sphinx remained unanswered, like, "Who built the sphinx? When was it built? And mostly, is the Great Sphinx the only sphinx? Or are there more?
Recently, archeologists have discovered another sphinx in Egypt. It backs up the idea of the Great Sphinx having a twin. Let's look at the theory of the second sphinx.
New DISCOVERY Inside The Egyptian Temple That Magically Moved
Egypt is full of grand monuments to its rulers, but of all the pharaohs, few left their mark like Ramses II. His temple is a good example of one of his masterpieces. But why has this temple recently sparked the interest of scientists and archaeologists, and what terrifying mystery does it hold? Do you want to know what makes this temple so intriguing?
We are talking about the temple of Abu Simbel, which moved magically!
Mysterious Ancient Technology
In the following video we will be explaining mysterious ancient technology. Watch & enjoy!
12 Most Incredible Recent Archaeological Finds
There’s nothing so exciting in the world of archaeology as what’s been found recently. Recent discoveries give us a chance to learn new information about the people who lived long before us and laid the foundations of the world as it exists today. With that in mind, let’s check out the best recent archaeological finds!