Ancient Cities That are Waiting to Be Discovered in Turkey

Turkey is one of the countries that witnessed important historical events in the past. Thanks to its geopolitical location and fertile lands, Anatolian lands have been the birthplace of many civilizations.

These lands which host the major ancient civilizations from Hittites to Ionians, Lydians, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans have very historical and cultural aspects.

In fact, it is known that the first known human settlement is at Çatal höyük/Konya circa 6200 BC to 7400. Besides, Göbeklitepe, located in the northeast of Şanlıurfa and built 12,000 years ago, is known as one of the oldest ruins in the world.

The temples in Göbeklitepe, which led to the rewriting of the transition to settled life, are from the stone age. The fact that these lands host different civilizations and being on the route of important trade routes caused many cultures to unite in these lands.