Archaeologists Have Discovered A 5,000-Year-Old Funerary Monument in Vila Verde, Portugal

A team of Minho University archaeologists and students excavates a megalithic funerary monument atop Monte do Oural in Vila Verde.

In the statement made by the municipality, it was emphasized that the aim is to museumize a "precious heritage find" estimated to have been built between 4000 and 3,000 BC. That is, it will have an existence of at least more than 5,000 years.

Archaeologist Luciano Vilas Boas, who coordinated the excavations on the ground of the Oural mound, noted that the surrounding area is extremely rich in terms of archaeological heritage, and that there are three more burial megalithic monuments and a rock art set in the vicinity.

Discoveries make it possible to notice that several populations live on these lands, located next to the lookout on the edge of Ribeira do Neiva and the swing in Monte do Oural in Vila Verde, with the expectation that they can become a new tourist attraction and local dynamism.