Archaeologists Have Unearthed An Incredible Artifact At The Site Where Jesus Fed The 5000

After that, a group of archaeologists is hard at work in Israel's Jordan park. As they continue their meticulous investigation of the golan heights region, the air is filled with the sounds of tools sparking against stone. Because they have been excavating this particular site known as tel for decades, the researchers are also a relatively common sight for any locals who happen to be passing by. However, on this particular day, the group on earth made a truly remarkable discovery. In addition, they will discover that the approximately 3000-year-old artifact may have served as the setting for one of Jesus Christ's most well-known miracles. An incredible artifact has been discovered by archaeologists at the location where jesus fed the 5,000 people. This amazing object was discovered by archaeologists on the Jordan river banks, north of the sea of galilee. In addition, three of Jesus' disciples are said to have come from a fishing village called Bethsaida, which is mentioned in the new testament book of john and is said to have been right on this very seashore.

Experts believe, moreover, that they have identified the site of this ancient settlement in the at tel area. In fact, the 20 strong international team of archaeologists, led by the university of Nebraska is professor rami iraf, have claimed that the sites history long precedes the appearance of jesus some 2000 years ago, a raft believes, for example, that the location existed at the time of the old testaments king David, so around 3000 years ago or so. And in the ravs view, lets say to may be the same place as the city of Zurich thats mentioned in the old testament. He explained the situation in a july 2019 interview with the jerusalem post, saying bethsaida was the name of the city during the second temple period, but during the first temple period, it was the city of Zurich, and to lend further weight to his words, he pointed out that the old testaments book of joshua mentions that very settlement.