Archaeologists In Egypt Have Uncovered A Shipwreck That May Unravel A 2500 Year Old Mystery

The european institute for underwater archaeology found the ancient city's ruins off the coast of egypt in 2000. Amazingly, the city had been submerged in the water for more than a thousand years. Divers have since discovered a number of fascinating shipwrecks and other ancient artifacts at the site, but in march 2019, the world learned that the institute had discovered a unique wreck. In fact, the only previous evidence of the hulk's existence was a description by an ancient historian, and many people thought he was lying.

However, egypt's archaeologists have found a shipwreck that may help solve a 2500-year-old mystery. What some of the earliest civilizations of humanity were able to accomplish is pretty amazing. Naturally, the ancient greeks and egyptians did not have access to the same resources and knowledge that we do today. And yet, between them those cultures built incredible structures, develop whole new technologies to improve farming, and came up with ideas that have influenced much of philosophical and mathematical thought. When you think of ancient egypt, you probably picture the pyramids, and even today, experts are baffled by how those people from the past were capable of building on such a massive scale. There are, however, less grand but equally important innovations that came from this highly successful society, for instance, sand off and got into food back them, and this led the egyptians to conceive toothpaste and toothbrushes.