Incredibly, a video purportedly showing rivers flowing from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea has apparently "fulfilled" a Bible prophecy, giving rise to the strange assertion.
Stunned witnesses saw a new river carve out its path in front of them.
Over 40 cm of rain fell north of Jerusalem, shattering a 51-year record, as Israel experienced record-breaking rainfall totals.
One young couple in Tel Aviv has already perished due to deadly flash floods that have affected the entire country.
But some have sensationally claimed that a biblical prophecy is being fulfilled after seeing a new horrifying video of a torrent of water bursting forth and flooding a road.
Approximately 18 miles south of Jerusalem, the film is reported to have been shot close to the Arugot River.
A motorist that was about to cross the street is forced to stop as stunned bystanders freeze in their tracks.
Following that, the river rushes eastward toward the Dead Sea before vanishing from view beneath the hill's summit.
After discovering the video, Breaking Israel News connected it to verses from Genesis and Ezekiel in the Bible.
The Bible claims that before being destroyed alongside Sodom and Gomorrah, the valley where the Dead Sea currently exists was a "well-watered" area.
"Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was well-watered everywhere before Hashem destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah," Genesis 13:10 says.
The religious news source then draws attention to a prophecy in Ezekiel 47:8–9 predicting that the "eastern region" will one day undergo a transformation.
Then, he told me, "These waters issue forth toward the eastern region and shall descend down into the Arabah (a dry basin near the Dead Sea), and when they shall enter into the sea of the rotten waters, the waters shall be healed.
"And it shall be that wherever the rivers shall come, every living thing wherewith it swarmeth shall live, and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, for these waters are come unto them that all things may be healed and may live wherever the river cometh."
This occurs at the same time as religious archaeologists assert to have discovered the Ark of the Covenant in a 3,000-year-old Israeli temple.
Another shocking find is a location praised as the location where Moses allegedly broke the Ten Commandments and demolished the Golden Calf, according to the Bible.