Scary Discovery At Cleopatra s Tomb In Egypt That Changes History

Deep within the sands of Egypt, a discovery has been made that could change history forever. Rumors of a long-lost tunnel leading to the final resting place of the infamous Cleopatra have circulated for centuries, but now, after years of painstaking excavation, the tunnel has finally been uncovered. As archaeologists venture deeper into the twisting passageway, they can't help but feel a sense of trepidation. What secrets will they uncover? Will they find the final resting place of the legendary queen or something far more sinister? Let’s go further in the video to find out.

Cleopatra's dramatic life and death were so vivid that they verged on fiction, something that literary giants William Shakespeare (Antony and Cleopatra) and George Bernard Shaw (Caesar and Cleopatra) noted. Shakespeare wrote about Cleopatra's story in Antony and Cleopatra, and Shaw wrote about Cleopatra in Caesar and Cleopatra.

After her death, what became of the legendary Cleopatra?

It is thought that Emperor Augustus gave his approval for Cleopatra to be buried next to her lover, Mark Anthony (and that their three children were spared and raised as citizens of Rome), which provides some insight into how she was regarded, even by those who opposed her. It is also plausible to believe that Cleopatra and her lover were mummified by her status as a Pharaoh. Mummification is a method of preservation that entails drying out human remains to keep them from decomposing, and it was common practice at the time.