The Ancient Greek Fisherman and His Astonishing Villa Mosaics

Phainos was the most famous fisherman of his time who lived in the 2nd century AD in the ancient Greek city of Halicarnassus.

His villa, adorned with astonishing mosaics depicting sea creatures, was accidentally discovered by property developers in 2018.

Phainos was considered the richest fisherman of the Roman period in Halicarnassus, located near the modern Turkish city of Bodrum.

The luxury villa of the ancient Greek fisherman

Moreover, 10 tombs and human remains have also been discovered as well as a well, a Roman bath, marble work that was used in luxury residences back then, pottery, perfume bottles, and fishing equipment.

“The first findings of Phainos, the most famous fisherman of his time, were first discovered in the ancient city of Halicarnassus in 1890s. More mosaics and villa ruins that had the marks of Phainos were later discovered during the excavations at the city center,” archaeologist Candan Temizel said.

He added that “Those findings which have been unearthed should be carefully protected. This invaluable world heritage should be shared.”

Halicarnassus was famous for the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, also known simply as the Tomb of Mausolus, whose name provided the origin of the word “mausoleum”. The mausoleum, built from 353 to 350 BC, is ranked as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Ancient Greeks were particularly fond of fresh fish

Ancient Greeks were gourmands and particularly fond of large fresh fish and eel, according to research headed by zooarchaeologist Dr. Demetra Mylona.

The zooarchaeologist, who does research for the Institute of Aegean Prehistory Study Center for East Crete, is collecting data from written sources, scientific texts and also from the study of ancient remains of fish, such as bones.

“We can also learn a lot from ancient bones of fish brought to light by the archaeologist’s hoe and by the pots in which they were cooked, conducting chemical analysis of food residues,” Mylona told the Athens News Agency.

According to Mylona, the ancient Greeks had a special preference for Aegean fish living in rocks, but also liked fish from the open seas, such as tuna, a sought-after fish. They also liked mackerel, bonito and anchovy, which were abundant during their season and were easy to catch with nets.
