Born in the 1720’s, Elizabeth Brownrigg was part of the working class and she married a man called James Brownrigg when she was just a teenager. James was an apprentice plumber and together they had sixteen children. Sadly, however, only three of these survived past infancy. Elizabeth was a respected midwife and together she and her husband and children moved to fetter lane in London, and made their residence on Flower de Luce Road. James’ career as a plumber was going well and the family were prospering. Elizabeth was renowned as a midwife and as such the local parish of Saint Dunstans appointed her as the matron of sorts or the overseer of the women and children. She was also given the custody of a few female domestic servants and female children from the London Foundling Hospital. This proved to be a fatal mistake and Elizabeth was nothing short of abusive, cruel and sadistic.