The Filthy Amusements of Chinese Emperors

The Emperor was the sun around which the world of the imperial court orbited. For guards and servants, he would have the most trusted figures sworn to loyalty, castrated from youth and never to place their eyes where they shouldn’t be. Then there were the concubines. An Emperor could have one or two, or an Emperor could have up to a thousand concubines, women ready and waiting for his pleasure. Yet being in the Emperor’s orbit wasn’t all that simple, concubines could be favored or could fall to fierce rivalry, and eunuchs were off limits…but that didn’t stop some. Producing an heir was all-important for the ruler, but maybe their betrothed wouldn’t be the mother of the child. Runaways, suicides, incest, and punishment by death all played a part in the sexual politics of the Imperial Court.

In today's video we look at The Filthy Amusements of Chinese Emperors..Keep watching to see Chinese Emperors, Chinese Concubines and Life Emperor China.