The Great Dump of Giza and a Lost Royal Palace

In the 1970s, Austrian prehistorian Karl Kromer led excavations at Giza in Egypt, in an area just south of the main pyramid field and to the west of the Lost City of the Pyramid Builders, also known as Heit el-Ghurab.

Over six seasons of investigation, he and his team cut ten 10x10-metre excavation trenches into a crescent-shaped mound, which looked to be made-up of settlement debris. This unusual part of Giza is now forever known as The Kromer Dump.

Based on his finds, Kromer believed the mound was demolition debris from a royal rest house or settlement, dating from the 1st to 4th dynasties, up until the time of Khufu and Khafre. The interpretation of the early dynastic finds was debatable and not in great abundance so more work was required.

In 2018 the Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) re-investigated the site. They wanted to get some solid dateable evidence from the dump, they wanted to understand what was deposited and where the demolition rubble could have come from - and if it could really be from a royal rest house or small palace as Karl Kromer alluded to.

Watch the video to find out everything we know about this Great Dump of Giza, and if there could have really been a missing and long-lost royal palace.