Turkish researchers use AI to read cuneatic Hittite tablets

Thanks to a project implemented in Türkiye, 1,954 ancient Hittite tablets are being read for the first time using artificial intelligence.

The project’s initial phase, which involved reading, scanning, and digitizing Hittite cuneiform tablets kept in the collections of the Çorum Museum, the Istanbul Archaeology Museum, and the Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum, has been finished.

This outstanding project will aid researchers in quickly and easily analyzing ancient documents, speeding up the process of decipherment within the framework of the project run in collaboration with Ankara University and the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums.

500 Hittite cuneiform tablets were translated at the start of the project by photographing them in high resolution and scanning them with 3D technology. According to the results of the testing, the Artificial Intelligence’s success rate was 75.66%.