What Just Happened Inside The Tomb Of Cleopatra Shocked Scientists

For years, researchers have been fascinated by the search for Cleopatra's Tomb, which has generated various ideas. Archaeologists keep looking at the mysterious signs to find out where the famous Egyptian queen was laid to rest and now it has been solved. So, did Cleopatra get her wish to be buried next to Antony, the man she loved? Is the Tomb of Antony and Cleopatra together there, waiting to be found? Above that what terrifying has been discovered at Cleopatra’s tomb? Join us in this video as we look into the most popular ideas and try to figure out where this ancient treasure is hidden.

One of the biggest problems for historians and researchers looking for Cleopatra's Tomb is that the facts as they have always been told aren't certain.

For example, Cleopatra is said to have died in Alexandria, but there are different stories about whether she was in her room or in her grave at the time. Even how she died has been called into question. There were no first-hand reports. The story about the Asp came from later literary writers, and it's not clear if the truth was hidden because it was written by the Romans after they won.