In today’s video we will investigate 10 mysterious cases of forbidden history. Watch the video below and enjoy!
Sanitation of the Indus Valley Civilisation
The ancient Indus Valley Civilization in South Asia, including current day's Pakistan and north India, was prominent in infrastructure, hydraulic engineering, and had many water supply and sanitation devices that are the first known examples of their kind.
Great Bath, Mohenjo-daro
Most houses of Indus Valley were made from mud, dried mud bricks, or clay bricks. The urban areas of the Indus Valley civilization included public and private baths. Sewage was disposed of through underground drains built with precisely laid bricks, and a sophisticated water management system with numerous reservoirs was established. In the drainage systems, drains from houses were connected to wider public drains. Many of the buildings at Mohenjo-Daro had two or more stories. Water from bathrooms on the roofs and upper stories was carried through enclosed terracotta pipes or open chutes that emptied onto the street drains.
A water well in Lothal
The earliest evidence of urban sanitation was seen in Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, and the recently discovered Rakhigarhi. This urban plan included the world's first urban sanitation systems. Within the city, individual homes or groups of homes obtained water from wells. From a room that appears to have been set aside for bathing, wastewater was directed to covered drains, which lined the major streets.
Devices such as shadoofs and sakias were used to lift water to ground level. Ruins like Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan and Dholavira in Gujarat in India had settlements with some of the ancient world's most sophisticated sewage systems. They included drainage channels, rainwater harvesting, and street ducts.
Water reservoir, with steps, at Dholavira, Gujarat, India
Stepwells have mainly been used in the Indian subcontinent.
Several courtyard houses had both a washing platform and a dedicated toilet/waste disposal hole. The toilet holes would be flushed by emptying a jar of water, drawn from the house's central well, through a clay brick pipe, and into a shared brick drain, that would feed into an adjacent soak pit (cesspit). The soak pits would be periodically emptied of their solid matter, possibly to be used as fertilizer. Most houses also had private wells. City walls functioned as a barrier against floods.
The Great Bath
Mohenjo-daro, located in Sindh, Pakistan, is one of the best excavated and studied settlements from this civilization. The Great Bath might be the first of its kind in the pre-historic period. This ancient town had more than 700 wells, and most houses in Mohenjo-Daro had at least one private well.
Dholavira, located in Gujarat, India (c. 3000-1500 BC),[3] had a series of water storage tanks and step wells, and its water management system has been called "unique". Dholavira had at least five baths and the size of one is comparable with the Great Bath of Mohenjo-daro.
The bathroom-toilet structure of a house in Lothal
Lothal, Gujarat (c. 2350–1900 BC), excavation of the site has identified two wells in the city, one in the acropolis and the other by the dock. In addition, more than a dozen houses of the acropolis possessed their own internal bathing platform which drained into a covered communal sewer constructed of brickwork held together with a gypsum-based mortar and which emptied into a cesspit outside the town's wall. A relatively large house in the acropolis had a bathing platform with an attached latrine, that fed into a separate open drain, and discharged into the town's dock. The Lower town hosts a number of soak pots, large sunken jars with a hole in the bottom, to permit liquids to drain, which were regularly emptied and cleaned.
This Archaeological Discovery Will Change History - The Most Unusual Finds!
There are always new archaeological discoveries that amaze us. Some things are easy to explain and yet touch us, because we realise that we haven't actually changed as much as we might think. Would you have thought, for example, that drugs were already being used over 2000 years ago? The findings transport us to another world and at the same time bring us a little closer to our own.
This Is TERRIFYING Discovery Of The Euphrates In Asia And It's Coming Sooner Than We Thought
The Mesopotamian Empire was one of the most powerful civilizations that grew along the banks of the great river Euphrates. Old Mesopotamia was located between the afraid and Tigris Rivers, known as the Fertile Crescent. The great Euphrates River flows for about 1740 miles and is the longest in Western Asia. Even though the number of people living there has greatly changed the landscape, it is still the longest river in Western Asia.
Today, we'll talk about how the discovery of the Euphrates River is changing the world. Let’s get started. Enjoy!
The Discovery and Treasures of King Tutankhamun's Tomb
You are welcome to join me for a fascinating online tour exploring the incredible treasures buried with the young Pharaoh Tutankhamun (1342 – c. 1325 BC), the last ruler of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt.
Preserved for over 3000 years in his incredibly famous tomb, these beautiful and symbolically powerful objects, statues and decorations give amazing glimpses into the royal, religious and wider cultural universe of ancient Egypt. Enjoy!
Tutankhamun: His Tomb & Treasures
In today’s video we are discussing about Tutankhamun’s tomb and treasures. Watch the video and enjoy!
Dreamtime and the Seven Sisters - The World's oldest story?
Within the original cultures of Australia, a story is told, called Dreamtime, reflecting the world at the time of colonization of the continent and it uses the constellations of Orion and Pleiades to tell it's story of hunters chasing women. The same story is told in Greece, and so believe the story to have the same source due to overlapping information.
In this video we'll explore these myths, the similarities, but also potential problems in the early source hypothesis. The result is that these stories are very old, but are they as old as we think they are?
Archaeologists Exploring Pompeii Have Unearthed A 2000 Year Old Fast Food Joint
For several years, archaeologists working at the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii have been treated to some extraordinary finds. And digs which began in 2018 at one particular part of the well-preserved city have produced spectacular artworks, along with human remains. Yet in March 2019 another find was announced, but this one was specifically indicative of the everyday eating habits of that time and place.
SCARIEST Archaeological Discoveries No One Was Supposed To See
From the skeletons of Sandby Borg Massacre to the Nazca Lines, here are the SCARIEST Archaeological Discoveries No One Was Supposed To See. Enjoy!
The Psychology of The Trickster
There is perhaps no figure in literature more fascinating than the trickster, appearing in various forms in the folklore of many cultures. Trickster is witty and deceitful. He is the timeless root of all the picaresque creations of world literature, and is not reducible to one single literary entity. Trickster tales have existed since ancient times, and has been said to be at the very foundation of civilisation and culture. They belong to the oldest expressions of mankind. Watch the video to find out more!
The Rise of Carthage (Documentary)
Today Carthage is remembered only in the context of its dramatic fall at the end of the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. We all know about Hannibal and the Battle of Cannae but how about the daily life of Carthage. There is much more to this ancient civilization than the dust and ashes left to us by history.
Today we will be exploring the Rise of Carthage and dive into the fascinating details of their civilization. Enjoy!
The Greedy Cup Has Become Even More Devious
Have you heard before about the Pythagorean or Greedy cup? Watch the video below to find out more and see how it actually works!
This is Why The Egyptian Pyramids Are One of The World Wonders
Most of the pyramids were built on the west side of the Nile River, which was the only river in Egypt. At the time, it was also thought to be the national highway because people thought that waterways were the best way to move goods.
They also thought that their sun god would travel with them on the water in a boat made of the sun. Limestone was used to make the buildings, and the top layer was polished to a high shine.
This Huge Object Just Set Off Earth's Defence System After It Was Seen Entering Our Solar System
This huge object just set off Earth's defence system after it was seen entering our Solar System. Today, we take a look at what this object is that was seen entering our Solar System.
In recent years NASA has observed countless interesting space events, many of which have helped us to develop our knowledge about the cosmos, and what lies within it. However, every so often NASA and other space agencies will detect something that will leave them asking questions, and although most of these eventually get explained, some of them remain a mystery.
Most Bizarre Prehistoric Creatures
In today’s video we will talk about the most bizarre prehistoric creatures. Watch the video to find out more and enjoy!
DISTURBING Lost City Reveals Dark Old SECRETS
We have studied many different civilizations with fascinating cultures, but who knows how many civilizations the sand of the earth still has buried under it? Scientists have discovered one of these buried cities that had been lost for years. With the discovery of this ancient lost city, we have come to know more about the history of Egypt. Stay with us to learn all the details about this lost city!
Most TERRIFYING Archaeological Discoveries EVER
From ancient machines to massive underground armies, gruesome corpses to undecipherable manuscripts, these most terrifying archaeological discoveries will make you wonder how complex, bizarre and to some extent horrifying our past used to be. Relics left behind by ancient humans are typically broken, buried, and hard to identify, but then there are some that can make us completely rethink our place in history.
Terrifying Secret Military Discoveries
In the video below we will talk about terrifying secret military discoveries. Enjoy!
Map Shows How Humans Migrated Across The Globe
It's tough to know what happened on Earth thousands of years before anyone started writing anything down. But thanks to the amazing work of anthropologists and paleontologists like those working on National Geographic's Genographic Project, we can begin to piece together the story of our ancestors. Here's how early humans spread from East Africa all around the world.
These Incredible Artefacts Should Have Never Been Discovered (Part 2)
Whenever archaeologists discover a new artifact, it becomes a new piece to the Never-ending puzzle of our universe. The past helps the experts judge the present and predict the future in the best way possible. Understanding the world containing many ancient civilizations is vital to understanding our current existence. However, only some archaeological finds contribute to unlocking the universe's secrets. Some of them just end up puzzling the experts even more. Their lore and origin are something that need not be discovered at all. Watch the video below to find out more!