Most Important Archaeological Discoveries of 2022. Over 100 Archaeological Finds

Dozens and even hundreds of new artifacts fall into the hands of archaeologists every day, the study of which takes years. Scientists study some artifacts in a few days, sometimes it takes years and even hundreds of years to study others. Historians and scientists do not always have enough information and equipment to analyze the found object. Last year, archaeologists carried out their excavations around the world. Covid restrictions have been lifted and archaeologists have added work.

We have collected in this video the most significant finds for the whole of 2022. We have already talked about all the discoveries - we suggest you reconsider what last year was remembered for and what discoveries could rewrite our history. From the origin of ancient people to the destruction of civilizations, from the birth of the first insects to the extinction of mammoths. From the Stone Age to the production of complex jewelry in the Middle Ages. Ancient Egypt, Roman Empire, Mesopotamia and Maya. In this large documentary video, you will see many archeological finds that are remembered.